Can CBD Improve Sleep? Exploring 5 Potential Benefits of CBD for Better Sleep


According to SingleCare, around 42% of users rely on CBD for sleep support. Discover the reasons and methods today.

Understanding CBD’s Relationship with Sleep

CBD has gained significant attention for its potential to reduce seizures, alleviate anxiety, and manage chronic pain. According to Consumer Reports, approximately 11% of users have turned to CBD to improve their sleep, although SingleCare suggests this number could be as high as 42%.

Given CBD’s relatively recent emergence, it’s natural to have questions about its effectiveness.

Growing evidence indicates that CBD may serve as a sleep aid. In this article, we’ll delve into the scientific research supporting its use and address safety and dosage considerations if you’re considering trying CBD for improved sleep.

5 Possible Ways CBD Can Assist with Sleep:

  1. CBD’s Potential to Enhance Deep Sleep: CBD might boost the amount of deep sleep by increasing endocannabinoid and adenosine levels in the brain.
  2. CBD as a Sleep Aid: At higher doses, CBD has sedative properties, influencing cortisol secretion, the body’s primary stress hormone.
  3. CBD’s Anti-Anxiety Effects: CBD’s anti-anxiety properties may promote faster sleep onset and longer, anxiety-free sleep by reducing anxiety-induced REM sleep.
  4. CBD’s Pain-Relieving Benefits: CBD’s analgesic effects may ease the process of falling asleep and contribute to better sleep quality by alleviating pain symptoms.
  5. CBD and Sleep Apnea: CBD may address complications associated with obstructive sleep apnea by reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and offering cardioprotective benefits.


America, We’re Facing an Issue

The CDC reports that nearly one in three adults face sleep deficiencies, with approximately 70 million Americans experiencing chronic sleep issues.

If you’re among the many struggling with nighttime rest, it’s essential to recognize the gravity of the situation. While a single night of poor sleep can leave you feeling fatigued, irritable, and less productive, the long-term consequences are even more severe. The CDC highlights that sleeping less than seven hours daily increases the risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress.

Counting sheep seems futile, and your efforts to sleep often lead to frustration. So, can CBD aid in improving your sleep? According to CBD users, it appears effective in addressing sleep problems, as well as anxiety and stress, as demonstrated in the graph below. Now, let’s delve into the scientific perspective on how CBD might achieve these benefits.

Can CBD Improve Sleep?

Insomnia, a prevalent sleep disorder, manifests in difficulties both falling asleep and staying asleep. This condition can be categorized as acute or chronic. Acute insomnia occurs as an isolated event lasting for days or weeks, while chronic insomnia involves recurrent episodes, typically several days per week, for at least a month.

Further classification delves into primary insomnia, which lacks an identifiable external cause, and secondary insomnia, triggered by factors such as medication or underlying health conditions like anxiety or pain. Secondary insomnia is the predominant contributor to sleep disturbances in individuals.

Endocannabinoids and Their Role in Sleep

The scientific community is actively studying CBD’s potential as a sleep aid because of its influence on our body’s natural endocannabinoids and their impact on our sleep-wake cycle.

Our endocannabinoid system, a complex chemical signaling network, plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological and cognitive processes, including sleep, pain response, immune function, memory, emotion, and motor skills. Maintaining an optimal endocannabinoid system allows our bodies to achieve a state of balance known as homeostasis.

Many scientists believe that deficiencies in our endocannabinoid systems underlie various human diseases, and they hope that supplementing our bodies with plant-derived phytocannabinoids can help restore balance.

However, the challenge lies in understanding the specific functions of different cannabinoids and how they interact with our systems. Research on rats has shown that endocannabinoid signaling in the brain, particularly at CB1 cannabinoid receptors, plays a role in regulating sleep stability. Another study on rats, published in the Oxford University Press, demonstrated that anandamide, one of our body’s natural endocannabinoids, significantly increased deep sleep, possibly by elevating adenosine levels in the basal forebrain.

Considering that CBD acts as a reuptake inhibitor of anandamide, it enhances the signaling of our natural endocannabinoids. This slows down the breakdown of anandamide, making more of it available in the brain, which, in turn, leads to increased adenosine levels. This mechanism promotes deeper sleep and contributes to CBD’s neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.

Can CBD Assist in Managing Insomnia?

CBD has been credited with helping numerous individuals achieve better sleep, and this phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, according to experts. Primarily, it’s believed to be due to CBD’s sedative qualities, as well as its anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties.

CBD’s Sedative Effects

At higher doses, CBD has demonstrated sedative effects by influencing cortisol secretion.

In a small human clinical trial, CBD exhibited substantial effects on cortisol levels and was observed to have a sedative impact, as indicated by self-evaluation scales.

If CBD can induce drowsiness, it theoretically has the potential to assist in falling asleep more rapidly.

CBD’s Potential to Address Underlying Causes of Sleep Issues

Dr. Joseph Maroon, a clinical professor and renowned neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburgh, supports the idea that CBD can be beneficial for improving sleep quality.

With his extensive research on cannabis’s effects on the brain, Dr. Maroon suggests that CBD’s effectiveness in enhancing sleep can be attributed to its capacity to alleviate pain and anxiety. These two factors are often responsible for sleep disturbances, including secondary insomnia, as they can hinder falling asleep and maintaining restful sleep.

Anxiety’s Impact on Sleep

Dr. Maroon’s theory finds support in various studies demonstrating how CBD can address the relationship between anxiety and sleep. One notable study from 2015, conducted on mice, revealed that CBD effectively reduced anxiety-induced REM sleep. Interestingly, spending less time in the dream state during sleep leads to more prolonged periods of deep sleep, reducing nighttime awakenings.

In 2016, a case report highlighted the story of a ten-year-old girl with insomnia triggered by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Traditional pharmaceuticals provided only short-term relief with significant side effects. However, regular use of CBD oil resulted in sustained anxiety reduction, ultimately improving both the quality and duration of her sleep. This case study showcased CBD as a safe and effective treatment for anxiety-related sleep issues in individuals with PTSD.

In 2019, a larger case series involving 21 subjects further supported these findings. In addition to reducing PTSD symptoms, 38% of patients reported improved sleep quality. While this percentage may not seem high, it represents a significant improvement for those individuals whose sleep was positively impacted by CBD.

Remarkably, the study documented additional benefits, including reduced anxiety, enhanced focus, and improved mood. A more extensive 2019 human clinical study reinforced these positive outcomes. In this research, CBD was administered to participants struggling with anxiety and sleep problems. The results demonstrated that CBD effectively reduced anxiety in 79% of the participants and improved sleep scores for 67% of the 72 subjects.

The Pain-Sleep Connection

A challenging relationship exists between pain and sleep, forming an unfortunate cycle. Those enduring chronic pain often find themselves struggling with poor sleep. Surprisingly, the Journal of Neuroscience reveals that insufficient sleep can intensify the perception of pain.

Pain management stands as the primary reason people turn to CBD, and many CBD users report its efficacy.

Forbes Magazine recently published survey results, indicating that a remarkable 80% of CBD users consider it very or highly effective. Impressively, a substantial 42% of respondents have switched from traditional pain relievers like Tylenol and Vicodin to CBD.

This shift towards CBD isn’t solely based on personal anecdotes; there is compelling scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness in pain relief.

CBD vs. THC: A Sleep Comparison

Cannabis, throughout history, has been renowned for its pain-relieving properties, with numerous studies supporting the effectiveness of both THC and CBD in this regard, often accompanied by improved sleep.

GW Pharmaceuticals, a pharmaceutical company, developed Sativex, a medication prescribed in the UK for cancer-related pain and symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). This same company introduced Epidiolex, the first CBD-based FDA-approved medication in the USA for treating epilepsy that doesn’t respond to other treatments.

While Epidiolex consists of pure CBD, Sativex contains an equal combination of THC and CBD. It underwent extensive clinical trials before gaining approval for use in the UK in 2010.

Throughout phases I-III of clinical trials, Sativex was administered to 2,000 patients, resulting in 1,000 patient-years of exposure. These trials revealed that Sativex significantly improved subjective sleep measures among patients with various pain conditions, including multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathic pain, intractable cancer pain, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Remarkably, these studies showed no development of tolerance to Sativex or the need for increased dosages, even in extended trials lasting up to four years. Although Sativex combines two cannabinoids, it provides a promising glimpse into the potential of cannabinoids to address both pain and sleep issues.

Furthermore, it advocates for the use of full-spectrum products containing federally legal trace amounts of THC, suggesting their potential advantages over broad-spectrum, THC-free formulas. However, it’s essential to remember that other cannabinoids, such as CBC and CBG, also exhibit robust analgesic effects. Therefore, if you reside in a THC zero-tolerance state and can only access broad-spectrum products legally, they may still be worth exploring.

Please note that this information is intended to provide insight into the topic and should not be considered medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or product.

Unveiling the Research: CBD and Sleep Insights

Delving into the world of CBD and sleep, a comprehensive literature review was conducted and published in Current Psychiatric Reports in 2017. This extensive review combed through all available data up to that year, unearthing compelling evidence showcasing CBD’s soothing impact on the central nervous system.

What’s more, this thorough examination yielded intriguing findings. It suggested that CBD could potentially serve as a remedy for insomnia and held promise in addressing issues like REM sleep behavior disorder and excessive daytime sleepiness.

A Ray of Hope for Sleep Apnea with CBD?

Let’s shine a light on obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most prevalent type of sleep apnea. It’s a serious condition that arises when the muscles at the back of your throat relax excessively during sleep, leading to a blockage in your upper airway. This unfortunate interruption results in breathing and sleep disturbances.

Typical symptoms of OSA include snoring, frequent nighttime awakenings (insomnia), excessive daytime drowsiness, a parched mouth upon waking, and episodes of choking or gasping for air upon awakening. This condition can contribute to cognitive impairment, depression, and anxiety. It’s also associated with high blood pressure and heart-related problems, with studies revealing an elevated risk of mortality among individuals with sleep apnea.

Various factors contribute to the development of sleep apnea, including obesity, advanced age, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, sedative use (including alcohol), and mounting evidence suggesting OSA’s connection to chronic inflammation.

Although no direct studies have explored the impact of CBD on sleep apnea, research indicates that CBD may hold potential. It’s been shown to help manage diabetes, lower blood pressure, and reduce chronic inflammation—factors relevant to sleep apnea. Furthermore, lower doses of CBD can boost alertness, making it a potential fatigue-fighting ally during the day, while higher doses may facilitate a more restful night’s sleep.

CBD vs. THC: A Look at Sleep Apnea

While there’s a lack of human clinical studies specifically examining CBD’s effects on sleep apnea, a study on THC, a cannabinoid found in cannabis, offers interesting insights.

Dronabinol, a synthetic THC-based drug employed to alleviate chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting, underwent testing on 72 sleep apnea patients. This medication targets brain and nerve pathways governing upper airway muscles, altering the neurotransmitters responsible for muscle control.

In a human clinical trial, Dronabinol proved to be highly successful among patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. Those treated with Dronabinol experienced fewer sleep apnea-related incidents and reported reduced sleepiness. Notably, those receiving higher doses (10mg) expressed greater overall satisfaction with the treatment.

For individuals residing in states where THC is legally accessible, products with an equal balance of THC and CBD may be an option to explore. However, if THC remains prohibited in your area, selecting full-spectrum CBD products containing trace amounts of THC or exploring delta 8 THC (Ranking Article) products is recommended.

These trace amounts of THC, often present in compliant full-spectrum CBD products, are unlikely to induce a “high” but may contribute to the product’s overall effects. Conversely, delta 8 THC is more likely to produce psychoactive effects. To delve deeper into delta-8 THC, you can find additional information here, or you can explore some legal THC options here (Ranking Article).

Please keep in mind that this information is intended to provide insights into the topic and should not replace professional medical advice. Consult with a healthcare expert before considering any new treatment or product.

Unlocking the Potential of CBD for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Let’s embark on a journey into the realm of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD), a relatively uncommon condition that often accompanies neurodegenerative diseases. In 2014, the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics unveiled a study showcasing the effectiveness of CBD in significantly reducing RBD-related events in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Remarkably, this relief came without any discernible side effects.

It’s worth noting that this study involved only four patients, necessitating further research on a larger scale. Nevertheless, the preliminary results are undeniably promising.

Safety Assurance: Is CBD Safe?

CBD’s impeccable safety profile is widely acknowledged, provided you procure it from a reputable source. Adverse effects associated with CBD are infrequent and typically mild. This favorable safety profile contributes to the growing preference for CBD’s natural health benefits over more harmful and addictive over-the-counter and prescription sleep aids.

In fact, a study found that a whopping 74% of CBD users reported experiencing no adverse side effects. The World Health Organization echoes this sentiment, asserting that CBD is well-tolerated, even at high doses of up to 1,500mg per day, and exhibits a favorable safety record.

However, it’s imperative to remain vigilant about potential drug interactions when incorporating CBD into your regimen. For instance, if you’re taking blood thinners, CBD may affect how these drugs function in your system, akin to the way grapefruit can. Thus, if you’re currently on medication, always consult your healthcare provider before venturing into new territory.

Navigating the CBD Sleep Pathway

As previously mentioned, higher CBD doses are typically required for sleep enhancement, prompting most individuals to opt for high-potency products like oils, tinctures, capsules, and gummies. Those partial to smoking high-CBD hemp flower can explore augmenting the flower with a CBD concentrate, such as CBD crumble or wax. This amplifies the CBD dosage while allowing you to savor the natural aromas and flavors of the hemp plant.

For oral consumption (swallowing or ingestion), it’s advisable to take CBD at least an hour before bedtime. If you’re using methods with faster-acting effects, like sublingual dosing or inhalation, you can administer CBD closer to bedtime, approximately 30 minutes for sublingual or 10-15 minutes for smoking.

Cracking the Code: Optimal CBD Dosage for Sleep

Unfortunately, identifying your ideal CBD dosage for sleep can be a nuanced journey. CBD isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and dosing remains an understudied area, often requiring a personalized approach.

What works wonders for one person may not have the same effect on another, influenced by factors such as age, gender, metabolism, weight, diet, and individual biochemistry. Moreover, the dosage may be contingent on the type and severity of your symptoms, with pain and sleep often necessitating higher doses.

The scientific studies cited here have employed a remarkably broad spectrum of dosages. For example, in an anxiety and sleep case series, patients received 25mg of CBD daily, with some individuals increasing to doses of 50mg or 75mg, and one patient gradually reaching 175mg per day. In contrast, Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, is dosed at 5mg per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight.

Generally, newcomers to CBD are advised to start with lower doses around 10mg and gradually adjust until they find their “sweet spot.” However, when it comes to sleep, things get a bit more complex. As mentioned earlier, lower CBD doses can paradoxically act as wake-inducing agents, increasing alertness. For this reason, starting at around 25mg is often recommended, as it appears to be an effective sleep dosage for many.

Anecdotal accounts abound, with some individuals combining 35mg of CBD with 5mg of CBN (Ranking Article) and 5mg of melatonin. Others opt for two 25mg gummies before bedtime. If your initial CBD dose seems to disrupt your sleep, it’s wise to consider an immediate adjustment. However, if there’s no noticeable change, exercise patience. CBD may take several weeks to fully integrate into your system, particularly in managing pain symptoms. Thankfully, some companies offer 30-day money-back guarantees, allowing you to experiment with their products and request a full refund if they don’t meet your expectations.

Unraveling the Impact of CBD on REM Sleep

CBD’s influence on REM sleep can vary depending on the dosage. A 2017 research review unveiled that high CBD doses could extend the duration between falling asleep and entering REM sleep. In contrast, mid-range CBD doses were found to shorten the time it takes to reach REM sleep.

Dosage Decoded: Pro Tips

Keeping a diary or sleep chart is an excellent strategy to monitor your nightly dose and sleep quality. Simplify matters by rating your sleep experience on a scale of 1 to 10, reflecting how well-rested you feel.

Consider leveraging sleep apps, which can provide valuable insights into your sleep patterns. Some apps estimate the time spent in deep sleep based on minor movements, while others allow you to maintain notes, providing a platform to record your dosage trial information. Keep in mind that the accuracy of these apps can vary, but if linked to a smartwatch, they may yield more reliable results.

In Conclusion: The Role of CBD in Sleep

So, can CBD unlock the door to better sleep? While further research is warranted, it’s evident why CBD garners extensive attention for its potential sleep-enhancing properties.

CBD may expedite the onset of sleep as a sedative at higher doses and promote deeper slumber by inhibiting the reuptake of anandamide. However, it’s believed that CBD’s capacity to alleviate anxiety and pain stands as the primary reason why it has emerged as a trusted ally for achieving better sleep.

Please note that this information is intended to provide insights into the topic and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare expert before introducing new treatments or products into your regimen.

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